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Latest guitar tabs

We always do our best to have the most accurate, complete and free guitar tabs. We also always work hard to have the latest and freshest guitar tabs in our archive. Looking for a special song, new or old, an old classic or the latest hits, chances are good that you will find them here. Here is the list of our latest additions to our guitar tabs archive.

Latest guitar tabs

Tablature or tab for short is a form of musical notation indicating where your fingers should be placed on the instrument to get the tune you want. There are tabs made for most fretted and stringed instruments but here on this site you will only find guitar tabs and bass tabs.

Guitar tabs are easy to read by a novice as all you needs to do is tune the instrument, place your fingers on the indicated string and fret, and sound the note. That's it and you are ready to rock and roll. If you want to dig deeper on the subject check out the Wikipedia article about guitar tabs.

GuitarTabsExplorer.com is a free site and we hope it will be like that forever. We validate new guitar tabs every week, but please note that this is just a hobby for us so sometimes we do fall behind. You may start here or from our main Guitar tabs archive.

Submit missing chords

We are adding new tabs every week and can do so because of you, the most valuable resource, our visitor. We do our best to make the guitar tabs archive as complete and accurate as possible. If you have any corrected guitar tabs or tabs to new songs, please submit them to us and we will validate them and upload them to the site as soon as we can. Please submit guitar tabs here.

Fresh guitar tabs

Here is the latest guitar chords added to the site. You can also check out the latest guitar chords and bass tabs.

How to read guitar tabs

How to read guitar tabs

The guitar tabs should be viewed with a square font. This is a font where the letter W and the ... More.

How to write tabs

How to write tabs

GuitarTabsExplorer.com is the place to look for bass and guitar tabs, but what if the song is n... More.

Guitar chords chart

Guitar chords chart

A list of more than 1000 guitar chords, all sorted A to Z for easy navigation. You will also fi... More.