NINE TIMES BLUE by Michael Nesmith **************** I got this off of a tape the my friend made me. It's different from the Headquarters CD track, and this is what I've figured out. I'm not sure if the B7-G in the chorus is right. If anyone has any questions, please email me. Sarah Intro: G-D-G-D-Em-C-D-D-G
Vs 1: G D There's a certain .... G D Em You looked at me and ... C D G That let me know that I ... G D But I didn't know ... G D Em And like a fool .... C D G By demanding things of ... Chorus: C D G D Em And now I feel ... C D G For making you crawl ... B7 But you did it ... G That you're .... Am Me and all I ... D7 I'm sorry now, what .... Vs 2: I know that never in the .... (Chorus) (Vs 2.)