You're ..[E] ..[E] .. You're ..[A] need ..[E] bond When ..[A] old .. into .. You're .. [E] ..[B]..[E] bond (A,A#,B turn) You ... Mary ... and .. Here .. up .. Tellin .. leads--play body of song twice using one instrument (keyboard or mouthharp) first and add another instrument (guitar or horns) to accompany instrument #1 during second lead
Whoa, .. good .. Oh I .. My .. sweet .. Tellin .. Repeat first verse (1st two lines quietly then build to end by repeating last line of verse (end with B, A, E) song appears on many of Taj's recordings as it one of his signature tunes; he plays it at many different tempos so find one that works for you I've borrowed a bit from the archives and wanted to give a little something back.