Glow And Behold by Yuck

Glow And Behold chords by Yuck

Guitar chords with lyrics

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The main chords are G F C D

 G   F    C   D(instead of D you can also take c chord shape and move up two frets)

______ is growing old

G            F    C   D

and these street lights feel so cold
G         F    C    D
the end is coming soon untold
C         D
but i dont really mind

G         F    C   D (Keep playing over lyrics)
when everything is going wrong

you've been waiting in line too long

and now your coffee's been way too strong
C       D
i dont really mind
Bm        E
i dont wanna live forever
  C         D
but i dont wanna die together now


G       F   C     D
and when the sun is going down

On this cold familiar ground

and you can hear that awful sound
C       D
i dont wanna try
Bm      E
i dont wanna close my eyes yet
C          D
but all i really want is to hold you tight
with all my mind

(I am currently working on this part, but I will update)

god helps us all

god helps us all

if you're really out there
C        D
if I'm just say goodbye
C        D
and open up your eyes

G    F   C   D
_____ is growing old

and this streets light feels so cold

the end is coming soon untold

glow and behold

G   F    C    D (repeat til the end)
i will glow and behold

i will glow and behold

i will glow and behold

i will glow and behold

Glow And Behold chords

Yuck chords for Glow and behold Glow And Behold by Yuck guitar playing instructions.

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