so, i can't believe no one's wanted to tab this one yet, since this is arguably her best work. she plays it on the piano, and there are transitional notes i've left out, but this version sounds pretty good to me. email if you've got q?'s: alright, first off, chords. now, there are four "sections" to the song. it starts off very soft, then gets a bit louder, and then there's a rush towards the end that's even louder, and then it falls back down to the very soft again. again, because this is a piano song, this is more of an interpretation, but the chords are right, and the idea behind this is more of a solo performance.
so, put a capo on the 1st string. otherwise standard tuning. ******NOTE, the chords i list are NOT RELATIVE to the capo. they are the actual chords (except for the third section, which i'll remind you for). so "Gm" is NOT Gm relative to capo, but actual Gm, and fret 10 is the actual 10th fret. it's not going to be as hard as i make it sound. section 1 chords: Gm: 10-11-12-12-10-10 D#: 1-x-12-13-13-11 (open string, or just barred) F: x-10-10-10-8-8 Cm: 11-13-12-13-x-11 (use thumb) A#: 10-11-10-12-1-1 (capo's on, so open) D# sequence: A#*(x-11-10-12-13-10) -> F -> D# sections 2 & 4 chords: Gm: 10-11-12-12-10-10 D#: 1-x-12-13-13-11 (open string, or just barred) F: x-10-10-10-8-8 Cm: 8-8-8-10-10-8 A#: 6-6-7-8-8-6 D# sequence: A# -> F*(x-6-x-7-8-8) -> D#*(x-4-x-5-6-6) section 3 chords: (THIS SECTION IS RELATIVE TO CAPO ON 1) F#m: 222442 E: 001220 Bm: 234422 A: 022200 for all sections: Gm sequence: D#* -> F* -> Gm (6-8-8-8-6-6 -> 8-10-10-10-8-8 -> 10-11-12-12-10-10) >> section 1 (use first set of chords): > section 2 (use second set of chords): > section 3 (use third set of chords): > section 4 (use second set of chords):