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Something To Hold On To by Turnpike Troubadours

Something To Hold On To chords by Turnpike Troubadours

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

C         Bb
Won't you give me something
F         C
Something to hold on to
C          Bb
This whole world has taken
F       C
Taken me for a ride

Verse 1:
     C              Bb          C
You come smiling through the doorway looking like an old regret
     C            Bb        C
Still a whole lot better than you did last time we met
     C            Bb        C
Between a real hard spot and a hole in a concrete wall
C           Bb           C
Running out of highway looking for a place to fall

C         Bb
Won't you give me something
F         C
Something to hold on to
C          Bb
This whole world has taken
F       C
Taken me for a ride
C       Bb
Pick me up and learn me
F        C
Turn me down and burn me
C         Bb
Darling won't you give me
F        C
Give me one last try

Verse 2:
    C               Bb      C
Well to tell you true I thought we'd never be here again
    C        Bb            C
Gonna feel alright now darling for the shape I'm in
    C          Bb            C
Nearly fell to pieces just thinking it would all fall through
    C            Bb        C
Feeling like somebody when you finally came into view

C         Bb
Darling won't you give me something
F         C
Something to hold on to
C        Bb
This whole world has taken
F       C
Taken me for a ride
C       Bb
Pick me up and learn me
F        C
Turn me down and burn me
C         Bb
Darling won't you give me
F        C
Give me one last try

C Bb F C x4

Verse 3:
   C         Bb        C
Now I won't say it all worked out like I planned
C          Bb       C
Lucky I still got a leg on which to stand
C    C    C    Bb C
I had a half of mind to get gone
C     C    C   Bb C
Leave it a little try to move on
C           Bb           C
But I just sat there staring at the secondhand
On the barroom wall now

C         Bb
Darling won't you give me something
F      C
Something to hold on to
C          Bb
This whole world has taken
F       C
Taken me for a ride
C       Bb
Pick me up and learn me
F        C
Turn me down and burn me
C         Bb
Darling won't you give me
F        C
Give me one last try

C Bb F C (repeating, fades out)

Something To Hold On To chords

Turnpike Troubadours chords for Something to hold on to Something To Hold On To by Turnpike Troubadours guitar playing instructions.

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