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Rockin My Paw by Summer Salt

Rockin My Paw chords by Summer Salt

Guitar chords with lyrics

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G Em7 Am7 D
G Em7 Am7 D

Verse 1:

   G Em7
It'??s my day

Am7 D        G      Em7
  No ones gonna be bringing me down

Am7  D       G       Em7
  Shovel me like a root to the ground

      Am7     D      G     Em7 Am7 D
Cause I'??m up in the clouds of my neighborhood

Verse 2:

    G Em7
And my baby

Am7 D       G       Em7
  Yeah I'??ve been treating her kind

Am7 D         G        Em7
  Yeah she gives me chills to the spine

   Am7     D
As I climb up the vine

  G      Em7  Am7 Dmaj7
To kiss her goodnight


   Am7         Bm7
When everything has gone wrong

G    Em7     G   Em7
 I lay around with my puppy dog

Am7           Em7
 When everyone's got me crying

G          N.C.
 He runs away and I join him for the ride

Verse 3:

       G  Em7
You know it's my day

Am7 D         G       Em7
  Yeah I think that love conquers all

Am7 D       G       Em7
  Yeah I bet you think that I'??m small

      Am7    D
But I'??ll be rockin'?? my paw

    G    Em7   Am7 D
On this electric guitar

Verse 4:

  G  Em7
How lovely

Am7 D         G      Em7
  Works all done and I'??m homeward bound

Am7 D       G      Em7
  Dancing as the records spin round

    Am7      D
And the suns slipping down

     G      Em7 Am7 Dmaj7
Cross my living room


   Am7         Bm7
When everything has gone wrong

G    Em7     G   Em7
 I lay around with my puppy dog

Am7           Bm7
 When everyone's got me crying

G          N.C.
 He runs away and I join him for the ride

G Em7 Am7 D
G Em7 Am7 Bm7

G Em7 Am7 D
G Em7 Am7 N.C

G Em7 Am7 D
G Em7 Am7 Bm7

G Em7 Am7 D
G Em7 Am7 N.C.

Rockin My Paw chords

Summer Salt chords for Rockin my paw Rockin My Paw by Summer Salt guitar playing instructions.

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