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I Can't Believe I'm Losing You by Frank Sinatra

I Can't Believe I'm Losing You chords by Frank Sinatra

Guitar chords with lyrics

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: A

Difficulty: Novice


   A      Amaj7/E   A      Amaj7/E   Bm     E      Bm     E

Verse I:

A     Amaj7/E  A      Amaj7/E
Is this the way   our romance ends?
A     G#m       C#7       F#m
I got the message when you said we could be friends
Bm      Bm7  E     Amaj7/E     A  A#m7  E  E
 My love was true, I can't believe I'm losing you

Verse II:
A      Amaj7/E  A      Amaj7/E
We played a game,   of give and take
A        G#m       C#7      F#m
 But I stopped playing when my heart began to break
Bm     Bm7 E    Amaj7/E      A  A#m7 B7
 What can I do, I can't believe I'm losing you

        Em       A7             D6
Wish I could erase every little trace of love that's in the heart of me
       F#m7        B7            E    E7
Every little dream, every little scheme, will always be a part of me

Verse III:
N.C       A  Amaj7/E      A Amaj7/E
There's nothing left     for me to do
        A       G#m          F#m
We've passed the point of no return, and now we're through
Bm       Bm7 E    Amaj7/E      A   A#m7
It's still too new, I can't believe I'm losing you
Bm       Bm7 E    Amaj7/E      A
It's still too new, I can't believe I'm losing you


   A      Amaj7/E   A      Amaj7/E   Bm     E      Bm     E

I Can't Believe I'm Losing You chords

Frank Sinatra chords for I cant believe im losing you I Cant Believe Im Losing You by Frank Sinatra guitar playing instructions.

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