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Tell Me When You Leave by Shannon And The Clams

Tell Me When You Leave chords by Shannon And The Clams

Guitar chords with lyrics

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: C

Difficulty: Novice

Shannon and The Clams - Tell me when you leave


Verse 1:
C    Dm    C
Tell me when you leave
C    Dm      Am
I won't cry, I won't speak
C    Dm    G    C
Tell me that it's just my heart
C    Am    G   C
Watch me love you in the dark

Verse 2:
C    Dm    C
Watch me when you leave
C     Dm     Am
Make sure that I can breathe
C    Dm     G     C
Tell me that you'll watch the stars
C    Am   G   C
Wait to find me in the dark

Dm            F
 Oh it's so cruel to find love
Dm               Am
 In the wrong place, no room to touch
E           Am
 If every finger were broken
G             C
 I find a way to hold your hand

Verse 3:
C    Dm    C
Tell me you can leave
C    Dm      Am
Hold on to my sleeve
C    Dm    G    C
Tell me how not to forget
C    Am    G   C
Way we look when you first left

Dm            F
 Oh it's so cruel to find love
Dm               Am
 In the wrong place, no room to touch
E           Am
 If every finger were broken
G             C
 I find a way to hold your hand

Tell Me When You Leave chords

Shannon And The Clams chords for Tell me when you leave Tell Me When You Leave by Shannon And The Clams guitar playing instructions.

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