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There Will Be Light by The Oak Ridge Boys

There Will Be Light chords by The Oak Ridge Boys

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

When the world is dark as a moonless night
G   A    D
There will be light
And when you see no hope in sight
G   A    D
There will be light

A         G   D
Joy comes with the morning
  E             A
And outshines the darkness of night
So, hold on till the morning
G   A    D
There will be light

A         G   D
Joy comes with the morning
  E             A
And outshines the darkness of night
So, hold on till the morning
G   A    D
There will be light

There Will Be Light chords

The Oak Ridge Boys chords for There will be light There Will Be Light by The Oak Ridge Boys guitar playing instructions.

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