Gods Hands by The Oak Ridge Boys

Gods Hands chords by The Oak Ridge Boys

Guitar chords with lyrics

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C          G7    C
God's hands made the earth and everything

   G7               C     G7
God's hands made the flowers and the birds that sing

   C              C7   F
God's hands made the mountains and ev-e-ry tree

         C    G7    C
From a handful of love God made even me

           G7     C
God's hands hold the waters and make them flow

   G7               C       G7
God's hands hold the seasons from the springtime to snow

  C               C7    F
His hands hold our life span from cradle to grave

              C    G7      C
These same hands nailed at Calvary hold power to save

   G7               C
God's hands rule the heavens and the vast universe

    D7         G7
He has power to bless and power to curse

  C             C7    C
His hands lifted me out of sin from all sin

           C     G7      C

Gods Hands chords

The Oak Ridge Boys chords for Gods hands Gods Hands by The Oak Ridge Boys guitar playing instructions.

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