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Headfirst For Halos by My Chemical Romance

Headfirst For Halos tab by My Chemical Romance

Guitar tabs

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My Chemical Romance ^Ö Headfirst for Halos

tabulature by Joshua A. Davidson 2003

standard tuning (ebgdae)


|--------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|

|-10p9p7-|   |-8p7p5-|   |-7p6p3-|   |-8p7p5-|

|--------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|

|--------|x8  |-------|x8  |-------|x8  |-------|

|--------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|

|--------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|







































post chorus: Palm Mute and temelo pick








what i said to her^Å.when I said to her








the solo is played between the 9th and 15th frets but I can^Òt quite get
it all, so just ad lib and smile like you know what you^Òre doing














Headfirst For Halos tab

My Chemical Romance tabs for Headfirst for halos Headfirst For Halos by My Chemical Romance guitar playing instructions.

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