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Brave New World by Motörhead

Brave New World chords by Motörhead

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Brave New World by Motorhead
Tabbed/Chorded by Joseph Visaggi

Tune a halfstep down.

/=Slide Up

G5/A5, G5/A5

The rhythm for this part is a little complicated to notate.
Listen to the CD to get a feel for it.
And that goes for 8 measures.

The first 3 1/2 times the riff is the same as the intro,
but the last half of the fourth measure does this:
C5, A#5   (they each get the value of a quarter note)

It does the same thing on the last half of the 8th measure.
Then it goes into B5, A5, G5, A5
Those get a measure each and the entire part is done twice
D5     C5     D5           A5
Brave  New    World
D5     C5     D5           D#5
Brave  New    World
D5     C5     D5           A5
Brave  New    World
Repeat (2nd time, the A5 on the 4th line is an E5)
Then, another measure of E5
F5, E5, G#5, E5, F5, E5, G#5, E5
Those get a full measure each.
The bass part just stays on F#.  I'm still working on the guitar part.
The song ends on C5, A5.  (One hit each.)
Any questions or comments can be mailed to hempick2004@hotmail.com

Brave New World chords

Motörhead chords for Brave new world Brave New World by Motörhead guitar playing instructions.

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