-12-11-9-9-11-9-7>0-4-2-0-0-2-4-5-4-2---- -0--2- -14-0- --------------- ----------------------------------------- -12-0- -12-9- --------------- ----------------------------------------- -13-8- -13-8- --------------- ----------------------------------------- -11-9- -11-9- --------------- ----------------------------------------- -0--7- -0--7- --------------- ----------------------------------------- -0--0- -0--0- -0-2-4-2-0-2-0- part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 --------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -5-5-4-5-7-5-4-5-4-2- -5-5-4-5-7-9-7-5-4-5-4-2- part 5a part 5b
i survived all you wanted i provide early sunsets until you try, until you, come give away wheels of time, roll away softened sky rolling skyline cautioned eyes captured lost time until you try, until you, can get away patience tried, not today waiting for the day to come down waiting for the night to wake up gazing out keeps me falling back on you back on you x3 say i love you for the last time