I've figured out the basic chord progression for Morrissey's "We'll Let You Know", from Your Arsenal, but I'm unclear on some of the chords. Some of the changes just don't sound right: |D |G |D |G Bm |Bm |Em |Bm |Em |G | |A7 | | ^ ^ I'm not sure if This could be another this is the correct form of G chord chord, and the change from G to Bm doesn't sound right Its likely I may have the wrong form for some of the chords, but its a close approximation. The end part of the song, where the heavy guitar and drums come in, I haven't really figured out yet, so improvise. Now, run home to your guitars and try this out and email me or post any changes/corrections to this group. I'll post a final version, if anyone bothers to correct my mistakes.
- Jerry (jarnail@sfu.ca) Artist:Morrissey Song:We'll Let You Know Album:Your Arsenal Tabbed By: Robert Holmes,Dublin,Ireland. Hi The Only version I currently have of this song is of the Introducing Morrissey video where he plays this song capoed at the 2nd fret.Judging by the last post of this song though,it's not capoed on the album. Intro:D Gm D Dsus4 D D Gm How sad ... D Dsus4 D And how sad ... Bm Em We'll Let ... Bm Em We'll let ... G Ah,but ... A7 A7sus4 A7 You're really .... You wonder ... Swirly Guitar bit(basically follow the same chords) On the video just here they shout:Your Arsenal! E5 G5 F#5 We may seem .... E5 G5 F#5 ah we may .... E5 G5 F#5 the most depressing .... Dsus4: 000233 A7sus4:002030 corrections,comments,praise etc. to fainne@connect.ie