All I Really Want Alanis Morissette >From the album: Jagged Little Pill Transcribed by Rafael Andrade ( Guitar 1: play the tabs, with distortion Guitar 2: play the chords, clean (maybe there's some effects) Lick: |------------------------| |------------------------| |------------------------| |---------12---13p12-----| |-11--13--------------13-| |------------------------|
When you're playing the lick on chorus, the third time is: |-----------------------------------| |-----------------------------------| |-----------------------------------| |---------12---13p12----------------| |-11--13--------------13--11--13--6-| |-----------------------------------| Intro: Bb with guitar 1 Guitar 2 keep playing Bb Guitar1: Play the lick four times Guitar2: Bb Do .. My .. and .. I .. I .. But .. Guitar1: (while guitar 2 keeps on Bb) e|(9)-(9)-(9)-(9)-9h10p9----(9)-----(9)-----(9)---9h10p9 B|------------------------------------------------------ There .. e|-(9)---(9)---9h10p9---(9)----9----9----------| B|-------------------------------10----10p8h10-| Slap .. e|-Same as above-| B|---------------| And .. e|-Same as above-| B|---------------| Guitar2: Ab Eb If .. Guitar1: Lick Guitar2: Bb And .. Ab Eb A .. Bb And .. Ab Eb (Ahaaoaoahahao) And go on... Bridge: Guitar 1 and 2: Db Eb Enough .. Db Eb Enough .. Db Eb The .. Guitar 1:Lick Guitar2: Bb Falling .. Chords: Bb: EADGBe Ab: EADGBe Eb:EADGBe Db: EADGBe x13331 466544 x68886 x46664 Simbols: h:Hammer on p:Pull off That's it! Any questions or corrections (trust me, there are a lot to be made!) mail me.