Porcelain (acoustic version) Music and lyrics by Moby. The original version of this song is track 3 on the V2 album Play (63881-27049-2). The acoustic version can be heard/seen on the V2 release MOBYPLAY THE DVD. Transcribed by Kurt Pankau This transcription is completely my own work and does in no part take from any other source: copyrighted or otherwise. Notes: Again, this is the acoustic version of the song and, while every bit as beautiful as the album recording, it sounds very different. This is how the song was written and you can play it along with the album this way but it lacks many of the distinctive qualities of the song, such as the fading-in string hook. Without the frills, this version of the song is also noticably shorter. The second part of this song is a violin part, which could theoretically be transcribed to guitar, but I'm not going to do it, so don't bother to ask. I'm assuming that whomever seeks to learn this song is doing it from a one-(wo)man-show perspective. In fact, the only reason I bothered to submit this much was because it's really easy and it wasn't in the archive yet. Main riff: This is 90% of the song. In my dreams I'm dying all... e----------------------------------| B----------0^2-----------3^0-------| G------2-------2-------0-----0-----| D----2---2-------2---2---------2---| A--0---------------2-------------2-| E------------------0---------------| This is approximate, so feel free to vary it in whatever ways make it easier (possible) for you to play. The chords are A and Em7. Bridge: After "Tell me" I'm not going to tab this out, because I couldn't see his fingers and it's not all that important to me for such a short section of the song. The timing for the chord changes doubles, meaning that where a chord would last one measure during the verse/chorus, during the bridge it lasts two. The chord progression (played once): G6/B, Bb, G, F# Fingerings for the chords used in this A: X02220 Em7: 022030 G6/B: X20030 Bb: X1333X G: 320003 F#: 244322 Enjoy. K
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Porcelain Acoustic by Moby