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Paris Warlike by Mischief Brew

Paris Warlike chords by Mischief Brew

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Em D Em D Em

Verse 1:
      Em D Em D C
Paris 1933
       Am        Em D Em D Em
It says here: army marches streets
              Em D Em D C
A thousand soldiers seen today
All on the eve of May Day
Em     D  C     Am
 I found a paper in the antique
Em  D   C    Am   Em
 "Paris Warlike On May Day Eve"

Em D Em D Em

Verse 2:
             Em D Em D C
This gasoline has met its match
   Am       Em D Em D Em
Any uprising will be smashed
               Em D Em D C
The stirring guns and loaded tanks
So who shall cast the first red flag?
Em     D  C    Am
 On yellow paper, black type
Em      D    C    Am   Em
 Troops are ready to smash a general strike

Em    D      C   Am
 Up in the attic, under dust
Em     D       C   Am
 I opened up a soldier's trunk
Em      D    C    Am     Em
 And now the ghosts inside are all stirred up

Em D C/D Am x3
Em D C Am

(Any help appreciated)

Em D Em D Em

Verse 3:
                Em D Em D C
Can almost hear those trumpets blare
        Am     Em D Em D Em
They're holding fire in the square
                  Em D Em D C
They're standing on some general's bones
And that's all the AP wrote
Em      D   C      Am
 I guess the people all went to sleep
Em     D    C      Am
 I wonder, what did May first's headlines read?
Em      D  C     Am
 All on the paper in the antique
Em  D   C    Am   Em
 Paris Warlike On May Day Eve

Paris Warlike chords

Mischief Brew chords for Paris warlike Paris Warlike by Mischief Brew guitar playing instructions.

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