Ballad of Serenity --Theme song of the cancelled television series Firefly --Written by Joss Whedon --Recorded by Sonny Rhodes --Chorded/Tabbed by Jeff Spies (jspies at nd dot edu) ----Thanks to Tim B. for a chord correction. Capo 3 (tabs and chords relative to capo) Note: Rhodes plays this in an open tuning; I don't. Intro:
e|-------------------------------- b|-----------------------------2-- g|-----------------------------2-- D|-----------------------------2-- A|---------0----3-p-0-------0----- E|--0-h-3--------------3---------- (bend that last G a half step) Verses: A G Take my love, take my land D A E Take me where I cannot stand C G I don't care, I'm still free D A E You can't take the sky from me A G Take me out to the black D A E Tell them I ain't coming back C G Burn the land and boil the sea D A E You can't take the sky from me Instrumental: e|----------------0--- b|----------------1--- g|----------------0--- D|----------------2--- A|---------0-h-2--3--- E|--0-h-3------------- (finger-style solo on these chords--or just strum) C G (then something like this) e|--------------- b|--3--5--7--8--- g|--------------- D|--4--5--7------ A|--5--7--9--11-- E|--------------- Final Verse: A G There's no place I can be D A E Since I found Serenity C D But you can't take the sky from me Outro: C A (bend low C when you hit the C chord, pull off to the open A and strum A chord as you pull off)
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Firefly by Television Music