Batman by Television Music

Batman chords by Television Music

Guitar chords with lyrics

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This is the original batman the theme song
I got it of of the Teevee toon's Cd

This is a pretty ez one its:

Gpm Cpm Gpm Dpm Cpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm

(a bunch of times untell you hear her say batman)Gpm

Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm Cpm Gpm Dpm Cpm

Gpm End On Gpm

All pm if ya didn't notice
It might be a little off but u can work with it
Write me if some thing is wrong or for requests
This is my first tab so I thought it was cool!

Batman chords

Television Music chords for Batman Batman by Television Music guitar playing instructions.

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