"Bed of Roses" by the Indians from the soundtrack to _Reality Bites_ This is a fairly simple song, with three discrete parts: one behind the verses and chorus, one behind the bridge, and a third before the solo. Part I: --2--2--------3-----3--3-3--------------- --3--3--------3-----3--3-3----3-3--3-3--- --2--2--2-----0-----0--0-0----2-2--0-0--- --0--0--0--2--2--2--0--0-0----3-3--2-2--- -----------3-----3--2--2-2--------------- --------------------3--3-3---------------
Just play that over and over behind the verses ("Some people...") and the chorus ("No bed of roses"). Part II: -------1----3--|-------1----3-- --2----1----3--|--2----1----3-- --2----2----0--|--2----2----0-- --2----3----0--|--2----3----0-- --0----3----2--|--0----3----2-- -------1----3--|-------1----3-- OK, that was overkill. This goes behind the bridge: "Life/It can lift you up/ It can drag you down/Life don't have to be..." Part III: ---------------------|-----------------|-------------3-3------| ---------------------|-----------------|-------------3-3--3-5-| ---------------------|-----------------|-2--2--------0-0--3-5-| --5-----5----------3-|-----3--3--------|-2--2--------0-0--3-5-| ----5-3-3---3-2-1--1-|-1-3-1--1---1--3-|-0--0--0---0-2-2------| ---------------------|-----------------|---------3---3-3------| --------------3--------|---------------3-3-|------------------|-------- --------------3--3--5--|---------------3-3-|------------------|-------- --2-2---------0--3--5--|--2--2---------0-0-|------------------|-------- --2-2---------0--3--5--|--2--2---------0-0-|-5-----5--------3-|-----3-- --0-0--0---0--2--------|--0--0--0---0--2-2-|---5-3-3--3-2-1-1-|-1-3-1-- ---------3----3--------|----------3----3-3-|------------------|-------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --1-3-- ------- Then the rhythm guitar goes back to Part I, while the lead guitar starts soloing in Dm pentatonic at the 10th fret. email me w/ questions/criticisms/or if you just find it helpful. klaw klaw@shore.net Here's a great little song (by an equally great little band) off of "Become What You Are" and the "Reality Bites" soundtrack. Tap your pick on muffled strings to get the effect from the intro. The song's all chords but I threw in a few tab parts if you need them... "Spin The Bottle" - The Juliana Hatfield Three -transcribed by Steve Nazarian- (snazaria@student.umass.edu) Tab: (h) = hammer on x = percussion / = slide up to a note \ = slide down to a note E A B E A B E A B ....part 1...... ....part 2.... ....part 3.... e---0-0-0-----------|------------------|------------------- ---0-0-0-----------|------------------|---9(h)10/14\12---- ---1-1-1---2-2--4--|-------2--x-4-4---|------------------- -----------2-2--4--|---2---2--x-4-4---|------------------- -----------0-0--2--|---2---0--x-2-2---|------------------- E-------------------|---0--------------|------------------- E A B E A B He's a ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B I met ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B Took ..(part 2 - 2X) E A B E A B Bottle's ..? (part 2 - 2X) E A B E A B When ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B It's ..(part 1 - 2X) C#m C C#m G Five .. E A B E A B He's ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B It's ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B I am ..(part 2 - 2X) E A B E A B Truth ..(part 2 - 2X) E A B When it comes around (4X) (part 2 - 2X) Asus2 Asus2 Do you .. Asus2 Asus2 If it .. E A B Doo doo doo doo (4X) (part 1 - 4X) (w/ part 3) E A B E A B Everybody's ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B She is ..(part 1 - 2X) E A B E A B He is ..(part 2 - 2X) E A B E A B I'm ..(part 2 - 2X) C#m C C#m G Five ..(2X) E A B Spin ..(8X) (part 2 - 2X) Chords: E - 022100 B - x2444x C - x3555x Asus2 - 557755 A - x02220 G - 355433 C#m - x46654
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Reality Bites by Soundtracks