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Its Your Blood That Cleanses Me by Songs Of Praise

Its Your Blood That Cleanses Me chords by Songs Of Praise

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: Bb

Difficulty: Novice

Bb          F    Gm
It's Your blood that cleanses me
     Eb         Fsus F
It's Your blood that gives me life
     Gm         F
It's Your blood that took my place
   Bb   F  Gm
In redeeming sacrifice
    Eb Ebm          Bb F      Gm
Washes me    whiter than the snow ,than the snow
  Cm      Eb    Fsus F  Bb
My Jesus, God's precious sa----cri-fice

Its Your Blood That Cleanses Me chords

Songs Of Praise chords for Its your blood that cleanses me Its Your Blood That Cleanses Me by Songs Of Praise guitar playing instructions.

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