Every Person Is A Gift From God by Songs Of Praise

Every Person Is A Gift From God chords by Songs Of Praise

Guitar chords with lyrics

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  • Capo on 2nd
Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: G

Difficulty: Novice

Verse 1:
Every person is a gift of God
Em  C      D
Every person is a gift of God
Every person is a gift of God
C      D     Em
A wonderful, marvelous gift

Chorus 1:
I am a gift (I am a gift)
You are a gift (you are a gift)
Bm        Em
Every person is a gift
A very special gift (a very special gift)
Unique in all the world (unique in all the world)
Bm        Em
Every person is a gift

Verse 2:
Every person is a gift of God
Em  C      D
Every person is a gift of God
Every person is a gift of God
C      D     Em
A wonderful, marvelous gift

Chorus 2:
I have a gift (I have a gift)
You have a gift (you have a gift)
Bm         Em
Every person has a gift
A special gift to share (a special gift to share)
With everyone we meet (with everyone we meet)
Bm         Em
Every person has a gift

Every Person Is A Gift From God chords

Songs Of Praise chords for Every person is a gift from god Every Person Is A Gift From God by Songs Of Praise guitar playing instructions.

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