Title: (Overworld theme) "The Wonderful Star's Walk is Wonderful" Album/Game: Katamari Damacy Author: Namco Games Tabbed by: Ryan Patterson (June 2006) Email: rbpatter - at - princeton - dot - edu This is the main guitar part from the song "The Wonderful Star's Walk is Wonderful" from 'Katamari Damacy' (PS2 game). The only way to know that's the title is to look at the soundtrack, though. It's the song playing during the level selection / overworld part.
|--------|--------|--------|--------| |----1---|----6---|5-------|--------| |--2---2-|--7---7-|--5---5-|--5-----| (repeat ad nauseum) |3-------|8-------|----5---|7--/8-7-| |--------|--------|--------|--------| |--------|--------|--------|--------| last bar is sometimes this: |--------| |----6---| |--5-----| |7-------| |--------| |--------| Alternate way to play it, although the string screeches are different from the game's version this way: |--------|----1---|0-------|--------| |----1---|--3---3-|--1---1-|--1-----| |--2---2/|3-------|----0---|2--/3-2-| |3-------|--------|--------|--------| |--------|--------|--------|--------| |--------|--------|--------|--------|