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Nuttin For Christmas by Christmas Songs

Nuttin For Christmas chords by Christmas Songs

Guitar chords with lyrics

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S. Tepper, R. Bennett (c) 1955

I broke my bat on ....; [G C G]
Somebody .... [A7 D7 G]
I hid a frog in ...[G C G]
Somebody snitched ...[A7 D7 G]
I spilled some ink on ...; [G7 C]
I made Tommy ...; [D G]
Bought some gum with a ...; [Em7 A7]
Somebody ...[D7 G]

CHORUS: Oh, [D11]
I'm gettin' nuttin' ...[G6]
Mommy and Daddy .... [D7]
I'm gettin' nuttin' ...[G6]
'Cause I ain't been ...[D7 G]

I won't be ...[G C G]
Somebody snitched .... [A7 D7 G]
He won't come ...[G C G]
Somebody .... [A7 D7 G]
Next year I'll be going s...; [G7 C]
Next year I'll be ...[D G]
I'd start now, but it's ....[Em7 A7]
Somebody .... [D7 G]

So you better be good ...[Am E7]
'Cause if you're bad, ...[Am Bdim]
You'll get nuttin' for ...[Am7 D7 G.]

Nuttin For Christmas chords

Christmas Songs chords for Nuttin for christmas Nuttin For Christmas by Christmas Songs guitar playing instructions.

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