From uunet!!torn!watserv1!pwilson Thu Jul 9 10:36:23 PDT 1992 Article: 610 of Newsgroups: Path:!uunet!!torn!watserv1!pwilson Message-ID: Distribution: alt Red River Valley (traditional) this arrangement by Peter Wilson (closely based on the Reader's digest Family Song Book, inspired by the Kentucky Headhunters) This is your basic major chord progression in Gmajor but I use some more advanced inversions to follow the melody which I show below. The numbers in parenthesis are my own notation and indicate the inversion in use. I came up with this by a process of playing around, and I'm not God, so feel free to experiment with this. The song uses a lot of parallel sixths which I play using a regular pick and a finger pick on my long finger which is a standard country technique. Finger them like this. (Numbers are for fingers, not frets here)
--1---|-------|-------|---2---|------- ------|-------|-------|-------|------- ------|---2---|-------|---2---|------- - - - Sliding sixths are a lick which sounds very much like a steel guitar. There is a particularly choice one on the last line. Notice it is the bottom (bass) note which is slid. This tab comes with no warranty and I accept no liability for consequential damages. This song is a great confidence builder for beginners as it isn't too hard to play, but makes you sound like a country pro. Oh yeah, the passages I have marked stacatto, use a real common lead guitar lick. After sounding the notes release the strings quickly. You want to make the guitar chirp. x x x x x x x x ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- | | | o | o | | | | | o | | | | | o | | | | | o 7 ----------- 3 ----------- 5 ----------- 3 ---------- | | | | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o | | ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- | | o | | | | | o o o | | | o o o | | | o | | | ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- G(7) C(3) D(5) | | | | o | ----------- G7 x x x x ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- o o o o o o o o o o o o | | | o o o | | | | | o 8 ----------- 3 ----------- 5 ----------- 10 ----------- | | | o | | | | | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- | o o | | | | o o | | | | | o | o | | | o o o | ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ C(8) G(3) D7 G(10) Red River Valley (traditional) adlib G(7) G(3) C(3) strum |-------------3--|-7---7---7---5--|-3---3---5---3--|-----3----------| |---------3---3--|-8---8----------|-----3----------|-5---5----------| |----------------|-7---7---7---5--|-4---4---5---4--|-5---5----------| |----------------|-9---9----------|-----5----------|-----5----------| |----------------|----------------|-----5----------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|-----3----------|----------------| from this val - ley they .... adlib G(7) G(10) D(7) strum |-------------3--|-7---7---7---7--|-10--10--8---7--|-5--------------| |---------3---3--|-8---8-------8--|-12--12--10--8--|-7--------------| |----------------|-7---7---7------|-12--12---------|-7--------------| |----------------|-9---9----------|-12--12---------|-7--------------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| we will miss yr brt ... adlib G(7) G7 (sl) C(8) strum |-------------3--|-7---7---7---5--|-3---3---5---7--|-10--8----------| |---------3------|-8---8-------7--|-6---6---6---8--|-----8----------| |----------------|-7---7---7------|-4---4----------|-10--9----------| |----------------|-9---9----------|-5---5----------|-----10---------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----10---------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----8----------| for they say you are ta... { ----staccatto ------ } adlib G(3) | D7 | G(3) strum |----------------|-3---3---3---5--|-7-------5---5--|-3--------------| |-------------5--|-3---3----------|----------------|-3--------------| |-------------5--|-4---4---3---5--|-7-------5---5--|-4--------------| |----------------|-5---5----------|----------------|-5--------------| |----------------|-5---5----------|----------------|-5--------------| |----------------|-3---3----------|----------------|-3--------------| that bright -ens our .... adlib G(7) D7 G(3) strum |-------------3--|-7---7---7--7---|-7---7---5---7--|-5---3----------| |---------3---3--|-8---8----------|-7---7---7---7--|-----3----------| |----------------|-7---7---7--7---|-7---7---5---7--|-5---4----------| |----------------|-9---9----------|-9---9---7---9--|-----5----------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----5----------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----3----------| come + sit by my .... { ------ stacatto ---------------} adlib G(7) G(10) |D(7) strum |-------------3--|-7-------3---7--|-10------8---7--|-5--------------| |---------3---3--|----------------|---------10--8--|-7--------------| |----------------|-7-------4---7--|-12-------------|-7--------------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-7--------------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| do not hast- en to ... adlib G(7) G7 (sl) C(8) strum |---------10--8--|-7---7---7---5--|-3---3---5---7--|-10--8----------| |---------10--10-|-8---8-------7--|-6---6---6---8--|-----8----------| |----------------|-7---7---7------|-4---4----------|-10--9----------| |----------------|-9---9----------|-5---5----------|-----10---------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----10---------| |----------------|----------------|----------------|-----8----------| but re- mem- ber the .... slide adlib G(3) bottom D7 G(3) strum |----------------|-3---3---2---3--|-5---5---7---5--|-3--------------| |---------5---5--|-3---3----------|-7---7---7---7--|-3--------------| |---------5---5--|-4---4---2---4--|-5---5---7---5--|-4--------------| |----------------|-5---5----------|-7---7---9---7--|-5--------------| |----------------|-5---5----------|----------------|-5--------------| |----------------|-3---3----------|----------------|-3--------------| and the cow- boy who ...