"The Tin Roof" by MINUTEMEN originally from "What makes a man start fires?" Fig.1 (intro + verses 1,2) G:------------------------------------------------- /P\ /P\ /P\ /P\ D:------9---7\------7---5\-----5---3\-----5---3\--- A:------------------------------------------------- E:--7-7--------5-5--------3-3---------3-3---------- NB. /P\ == pull off 5\ == slide down Fig.2 (played twice) G:---------------------------------7-9-- D:-------------7---------7-------------- A:-----9---5-5---5---9-9---9---9-9------ E:-7-7---7------------------------------ Fig.3 (last verse + outro) Last bit G:--------------------------------- G:------------- D:-4-4-----5-5-----7-7-----7-7----- D:-7-7--------- A:-----4-------5-------7-------7--- A:-----7---9--- E:-------5-------7-------9-------9- E:-------9----- Lyrics: Sometimes with people I fake I've seen movies to round off the edges Subset of history I lose my identity, start bumming at parties. Prop up two tents with one piece of rope Fog-curtain inside of me, purge and reform but admit that you fail. Start bumming at parties. Chasing the reasons refusing to reason by listing the reasons... chasing the reasons refusing to reason by listing the reasons. Dan Capper, DJC@liyorkrd.li.co.uk
The Tin Roof by Minutemen guitar playing instructions.