The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste by Ministry All music copyright 1989 Spurburn, BMI Tabbed by Tom Mallon þþTHIEVES (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/C. Connelley/K. Ogilvie)þþ INTRO/VERSE RIFF pm.......... pm............ E |----------------------------------------| B |----------------------------------------| G |.--------------------------------------.| D |.---------------3----------------------.| A |----------------3-----------------------| E |--00000000000---1-------000000000000----|
CHORUS RIFF 1 pm............... E |---------------------| B |---------------------| G |.-------------------.| D |.-------------------.| A |---0-1-0-1-0-1-0-3---| E |---------------------| CHORUS RIFF 2 pm........ E |-----------| B |-----------| G |.---------.| D |.---------.| A |--3-2-1-0--| E |-----------| (Note: I know this has been posted before, but it didn't sound quite right to me. This is how I play it and it sounds much closer, in my opinion.) þþBURNING INSIDE (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/W. Rieflin/C. Connelley)þþ INTRO RIFF pm. E |----------------------| B |----------------------| G |.--------------------.| D |.--------------------.| A |-----------------x----| E |--x---5---x--x--------| VERSE E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------/8-7------------------------- D ----8-7------8-7------8-7------8-7--7---5----/8-7-8-7--------------------- A ----8-7------8-7------8-7------8-7--7---5----/6-5-8-7--------------------- E ----6-5------6-5------6-5------6-5--5---3---------6-5--------------------- VERSE 2 (Play VERSE, then play) pm........ pm........ pm........ E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------------------/8-7------------- D -8-7-----------8-7-----------8-7-----------8-7--7---5----/8-7-8-7--------- A -8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7--7---5----/6-5-8-7--------- E -6-5-----------6-5-----------6-5-----------6-5--5---3---------6-5--------- (Note: The timing on these two riffs is the same, I just spaced it out to fit those palm-muted A's in.) (Note: For chorus, when Al is screaming "Burning inside!" Play the tail end of the VERSE riff, but sped up.) þþNEVER BELIEVE (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/C. Connelley)þþ VERSE E |-------------------------| B |-------------------------| G |.-------------------/10-.| D |.-2-----8-\----2----/10-.| A |--2-----8-\----2----/8---| E |--0-----6-\----0---------| (Note: There is a solo, but I'm not good with those. If anyone can figure it out, please upload it.) þþCANNIBAL SONG (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/C. Connelley)þþ (Note: There is no guitar in this song, just bass, drums, and saxophones. I figured the bass out on a guitar, so it may be a little off. The saxophones are beyond me.) G |----------------------------| D |.--------------------------.| A |.----------------9--8--9---.| E |--0000000000000-------------| þþBREATHE (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker./W. Rieflin/C. Connelley/K. Ogilvie)þþ VERSE pm.. E |-------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------| G |-------------7-------------7---------| D |--2--2-------7----2--2-----7---------| A |--2--2-------5----2--2-----5---------| E |--0--0--0-0-------0--0---------------| BRIDGE E |-------------------------------| B |-------------------------------| G |.-7---\---3---/---7---\---3---.| D |.-7---\---3---/---7---\---3---.| A |--5---\---1---/---5---\---1----| E |-------------------------------| þþSO WHAT (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/W. Rieflin/C. Connelley)þþ (Note: This was previously posted and sounds absolutely fine, so there is no reason for me to re-type it.) þþTEST (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/W. Rieflin/K. Lite)þþ MAIN RIFF E |-------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------| G |.------------/9-9----------------9--.| D |.--5----2----/9-9-----5-5---2----9--.| A |---5----2----/7-7-----5-5---2----7---| E |---3----0-------------3-3---0--------| BRIDGE E |-----------------------------| B |-----------------------------| G |.---------------------------.| D |.-2--2--2--2-3-2--2--2--2-3-.| A |--2--2--2--2-3-2--2--2--2-3--| E |--0--0--0--0-1-0--0--0--0-1--| (Note: Play all chords in bridge with a staccato rhythm.) þþFAITH COLLAPSING (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker/W. Rieflin)þþ (Note: There is no guitar in this song, just bass, drums, and samples. I figured out the bass on a guitar, so it might be a little off.) G |-----------------------------------| D |.--2------------------------------.| A |.---------------------------------.| E |-----0-0-0-2-3-2-3-0-0-0-0-2-3-2---| þþDREAM SONG (A. Jourgensen/P. Barker)þþ (Note: This song is pretty much all keyboards and drum noises, I couldn't find any guitar to transcribe in it.) That's it. It sounds pretty much correct. The only area where I would say it might be wrong is in "Breathe," because I'm not really sure whether that first chord is an E5 or if it should be a D5, which would necessitate tuning down. I've played it both ways and find it kind of hard to tell the difference. However, that's the only one I'm not sure on. Enjoy.