SPOKEN WORD (Mephisto Walz) -from 'Crocosmia' """"""""""" TAB: Rog Frace (fracer@rpi.edu) Guitar: Main riff: all on the G string G --12--9-9-11-: Break riff: E --10--12--3--/--10--12--5----- B --10--12--3--/--10--12--3----- Bass: Main riff: D --10...--2..-5-9-- when playing the 10th fret, you can add on the 5th (G12) as well for embellishment.
Break riff: G --7--9------ D --------5--- these are the primary notes. after the D there's some embellishment leading back up the the B. just improvise something, usu. on the C, D,F notes. note: on the guitar use a lot of distortion buried under medium room reverb with a high mix. chorus and delay do wonders as well.