Hi there. This is my first TAB but it's an easy song. (Only three parts to it) It's by the Melvins and the lyrics are written by Buzz Osbourne. It's the 13th song on the album Stag. I only tabbed out the MUSIC part to the song not the chipmunk sounding song afterward. "Skin Horse" by the Melvins Palm Mute \ Slide down / Slide up Use light distortion
1st Part Play 4x |-5-5-5-5-5---------------------------------------------------| |-3-3-3-3-3--2--2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3-3----7--7-7-- 5-5-----------------| |---------- 0--0-0-0-0--1-1-1-1-1-/--5--5-5-0-3-3-0---------------| 2nd Part Play 2 1/2x |------------------------------------------------------------| |-3-3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3--7--2--5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5--7--2------------| |-1-1-1-1-1--1-1-1-1-1--5--0--3-3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3--5--0------------| 3rd Part |-5-5-5-5-5---------------------------- 5-5-5-5-5----------------| |-3-3-3-3-3- 2--2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3-3---------3-3-3-3-3----------------| |--------- 0--0-0-0-0--1-1-1-1-1---------------------------------| NO PALM MUTE ON THIRD PART AND WITH HEAVY DISTORTION Well that's the song. Thanks for reading. Please e-mail me if you like the TAB because I'll do more if you do, If you have any song requests that you want tabbed out e-mail me and tell me. I can Tab out just about everything E-mail me at chrisg@waymark.net Chris Garver