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Hearts On Fire by Randy Meisner

Hearts On Fire chords by Randy Meisner

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Hearts on Fire
(Randy Meisner/Eric Kaz)
 From ~SOne More Song~T by Randy Meisner

Had myself a . . .

Waitin' at . . .

Wasn't gonna . . .
Till I . . . the car
Moon was growing bright
Stars . . . still
        F#m - E
Waiting for my baby
In . . . chill

I been achin'
. . . desire
       D        C#m  Bm
Her blood~Rs running . . . ragin' river
     E     A
But her heart's on fire

Second verse, same as first.
Chorus is extended last time, shouldn~Rt be hard
to figure out using the same chords.

Hearts On Fire chords

Randy Meisner chords for Hearts on fire Hearts On Fire by Randy Meisner guitar playing instructions.

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