Bass tab for "John Wayne was a Nazi" by MDC from "Millions of Dead Cops" intro G--------------- D-7-7__75------- A--------7575--- E------------75- riff 1 G----------------------- D---7----5----3-----35_- A----------------------- E-55--533--311--133----- riff 2 G------------------ D------------------ A------------------ E-5555333311113333-
after the intro riff 1 is played 16 times and then riff 2 is played until near the and of the song when there's a rest for one bar and then riff 2 again 4 more times, listen to the record, it's not difficult. Having said that riff 1 IS difficult, I can't play it without some of the strings ringing, mainly the E and A strings. I can damp down A by putting my little finger on it but E still rings. Any suggestions? I'm not sure about the intro, he plays it too fast for me to hear, but that sounds about right. (-5___-) means sustain 5. Thanks, Nick