"Come Back to Bed" John Mayer Heavier Things 6/8 time acoustic -0------ --9----------- -0------ -10----7------ -1------ --9----7------ -2------ -11----7------ -2------ --9----5------ -0------ -------------- w/ electric -------- -------------- -------- -10----7------ ----9--- --9----7------ ----9--- -11----7------ -9-11--- --9----5------ --H-0--- -------------- repeat Verse "Still is the life...." electric (acoustic plays A and then rests) Figure ------------- -------------- ----------------- ------ -------5----- -5-----3----3~ 10--------10----- ----0- -6-----6-6--- -4-4---4----4~ 11-11-----11----- --2--- -7---------7- -----5----5--- ------12------12- 3----- ------------- -------------- ----------------- ------ -----5------0 -3----------3~ 10-----10-------- 3----- play Figure 2 more times - with improv ------------- ------------- ------------- ------ ---- -5-----5----- ---3---3-3-3- ------------- ------ ---- -6-----7-6--- ---4---7-6-4- -7------7---- -9---- ---- -----------7- ------------- -7------7---- -9---- ---- ------------- ------------- -7-9--9---7-- -9-11- ---- -----5------- -3----------- ------------- -0---- ---- Pre-Chorus "You can be mad...." ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- -10----7-- -9------- -10----7-- -9---10-9-- --9----7-- -9---9--- --9----7-- -9----9-9-- -11----7-- -9---9--- -11----7-- -9---11-9-- --9----5-- -7--11--- --9----5-- -7--------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- -------4--- ------------- -10----5--- --7----10---- --9----4--- --7----11---- -11----6--- --7----12---- --9----4--- --5---------- ----------- -------12---- Chorus "Come back to bed....." Figure - play 3 times w/ --5---5-- ------- --5---5-- ------- --7---6-- -7----- --------- -7----- --------- -7-9--- --5---5-- --H---- acoustic --5---5-- ------- --5---5-- -5--5-- --7---6-- -6--4-- --------- -4--4-- --------- -5--5-- --5---5-- -5--5-- then --5---5-- -----0-- --5---5-- -----0-- --7---6-- -2---2-- --------- -3---3-- --------- -------- --5---5-- -3------ acoustic --5---5-- -0------ --5---5-- -3------ --7---6-- -2------ --------- -3------ --------- -------- --5---5-- -3------ Verse "What will this fix..." Figure once plus last line Pre-Chorus Chorus - Figure 4 times, no last line Guitar Solo all bends are full -------- ----- -------- ----- -12----- ----- -12----- -5--- -bend--- -4--- -bend--- ----- ------7- ----- ------7- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- -7--- -12----- -7--- -12----- ----- -bend--- ----- -bend-7- ----- ------7- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- ---5-- ---3-- ---0-- --------------------- -9---- -7---- -3---- -H----------H-----10- -9---- -7---- -2---- 2-4--4--2--2-4-~11--- ------ ------ ------ --3--3--3----3------- ------ ------ ------ --------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------------------- -------- ----- -------- ----- -12----- ----- -12----- -5--- -bend--- -4--- -bend--- ----- ------7- ----- ------7- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------- 12------10- 13------10 12-12-10-12-10--10-12--12-12-10 bend-~11--- bend-~11-- bd------H--P--11--H----bd------ ----------- ---------- ------------------------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------- ----------------10-12--P--- ---H---------- -12-12--10--12-------12-10- -10-12-------- -bd---------bd-------bd---- -------------- --------------------------- -------------- --------------------------- -------------- --------------------------- -------------- during solo, acoustic plays chorus figure 4 times then -5---- -3---- ----- -0--- -5--- -3--- ----- -0-- --- -5---- -3---- -7--- -3--- -5--- -3--- -7--- -0-- --- -6---- -4---- -7--- -2--- -6--- -4--- -7--- -1-- --- -7---- -5---- -7--- -3--- -7--- -5--- -7--- -2-- --- ------ ------ -5--- ----- ----- ----- -5--- -2-- --- -5---- -3---- ----- -3--- -5--- -3--- ----- -0-- --- Pre-Chorus Chorus, no last line, til end play guitar solo figure Mayer's outro lines are almost exclusively A major pentantonic - it would be too sloppy to write it out Scott Taylor wonderboymusic@yahoo.com Florida State University IM: tromba1B _______________________________
Come Back To Bed by John Mayer guitar playing instructions.
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Come Back To Bed by John Mayer