Flowers For Zoe by Lenny Kravitz

Flowers For Zoe chords by Lenny Kravitz

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

🤘 Intro:
G F#7 Fmaj7 E
Em7 F#7 Fmaj7 E

🤘 Chorus:
Flowers for Zoë
Love for Zoë
G7sus4     G9
Angels and rainbows
F#7     E7         A7sus4 G#7 G7sus4 F#7
All kinds of things you can call your own

🤘 Verse 1:
Gardens for Zoë
And oceans for Zoë
G7sus4   G7
Jungle gym playgrounds
F#7         E7     A7sus4 G#7
All kinds of things for you to explooore

🤘 Interlude:
G7sus4 E7 A7sus4 F#7sus4
G7sus4 E7 A7sus4 G#7sus4
G7sus4 F#m7 Em7 Am7 F#7
G7sus4 E7 A7sus4 G#7 G7sus4
F#m7 E7

🤘 Chorus:
Flowers for Zoë
Love for Zoë
Angels and rainbows
G9 F#7 E7
All kinds of things you can
A7sus4   G#7       G7sus4 G9 F#7sus4 E7
 Call your own, yeah, yeah, yeah

🤘 Verse 2:
God is for Zoë
And heaven's for Zoë
Oh, can you believe that
G9 F#7   E7      A7sus4 G#7sus4
Everything is waiting to unfoooooold?

🤘 Outro:
G#7 G#7sus4 G9 E7        Am7 A7sus4 G#7 G#7sus4
(Nah, nah)     You can call your ooooooooown
G#7 G#7sus4 E7sus4 E7      A7sus4 G#7sus4 G7
(Nah, na-na-nah)  You can call your oooooown
G7sus4 E7         A
(Ooh, hoo-hoo) You can call your own

Flowers For Zoe chords

Lenny Kravitz chords for Flowers for zoe Flowers For Zoe by Lenny Kravitz guitar playing instructions.

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