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Private Hell  by The Jam

Private Hell chords by The Jam (Ver. 2)

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Closer than close - you see yourself - a mirrored immage,
   C#        Fm
of what you wanted to be
As each day goes by - a little more - you can't remember
     C#      Fm
what it was you wanted anyway
The fingers feel the lines - they prod the space - your ageing face
   C#          D#     C#          D#
The face that once was so beautiful - is still there but unrecognizable
Private Hell, Private Hell

The man who you once loved - is blad and fat - and seldom in
working late as usual
Your interest has waned - you feel the strain - the bed springs snap
on the occasions he lies upon you - close your eyes and think of nothing but
Private Hell, Private Hell

G#    C#      G#     C#
Think of Emma - wonder what she's doing
  G#   C#     G#     C#
her husband Terry - and your grandchildren
A#    C        A#   C
Think of Edward - who's still at college
   A#    C         A#     C
you send him letters - which he doesn't acknowledge
'Cause he don't care - they don't care
        C#           D#
'Cause they're all going through their own
Private Hell, Private Hell

The morning slips away - in a valium haze - and catalogues
a numerous cups of coffe
In the afternoon - the weekly food - is put in bags
you float off down the high street
The shops windows reflect - play a nameless host - to a closet ghost
a picture of your fantasy - a victim of your misery
Private Hell, Private Hell

Alone at 6 o'clock - you drop a cup - you see it smash
inside you crack - you can't go on - but you sweep it up
    D#         Fm
Safe at last inside your - Private Hell
 C#    D#        Fm
Sanity at last inside your - Private Hell

NOTE: I have recognised the chords above with a PIANO, and not a guitar, so
it's impossible for me to find out the exact notes that the great Paul plays
during the short guitar solos. I'm sorry but you will have to do it by
yourself !!!
Of course, suggestions are welcome ad encouraged.

Private Hell chords

The Jam chords for Private hell (Ver. 2) Private Hell by The Jam guitar playing instructions.

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