"Long Dark Road" (Tony Hicks - Kenny Lynch) [note: acoustic guitar is capoed at 2nd fret and played in D] Intro: E A [2X] / / / / / / / / Verse 1 (acoustic guitar alone): E B It's over, ... D E In my mind .... E B It's over, .... D A E D A But then again, it didn't ....
[1: E D A 2,3: E A B ] / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Verse 2 (organ and harmonica enter): You'd tell me, try .... Chorus (full band enters): E A B Now it's a long.... E A B Yes, it's a .... E E7/D A6/C# And you know ... E E7/D A6/C# Yes, you know ... [harmonica solo over Verse 2 chords] [repeat chorus] Verse 3: It's over, well ... [repeat chorus] Coda (repeat 5X; fade): E A B Now it's a .... E A B Yes, it's a long, .... -- another ace 70's tab from Andrew Rogers