ARTIST: Lauren Hill Name of the Song: Just like water album: MTV unplugged tab writer: bisounours (a hole afternoons work) ok so it basically goes like this the hole way ° ° ° ° ° ° ° E--7-----7-----7_9---9--10--10~9--9 B--7-7----7---7-_8-8--8---8-----8-- G--8--8-8--8-8--_9--9--9---9-----9- x bis D------9----9---_------------------ A---------------_7----------------7 D--7-----7------_------------------ 1st position 2nd position
°: means that the note last twice as long as the other ones ~: means slide from 10 to 9 with your last fourth finger x: means place all your finger of the right hand back on the strings to stop the sound now this is all picked on acoustic guitar, and it goes on again and again through the hole song. for the position of the hand, keep a finger through all the frets of the 7th space at all times. Now on the fourth verse, Lauren goes crazy, so i'll just write it all out for you, but it's basically just moving the second position around: FOURTH VERSE: ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° E-11-----11----12----11 10---10--11--10 9---9--10 --7-----7-----7 B-10-10----10----10---- --9----9---9--- -8---8--- --7-7----7---7- G-11---11----11----11-- x 10--10--10--10- x 9--9--9--x--8--8-8--8-8-- D---------------------- --------------- --------- ------9----9--- A-9-------------------- 8-------------8 7-------7 --------------- D---------------------- --------------- --------- --7-----7------ and again ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°° E-11-----11----12----11 10---10--11--10 9---9--10 B-10-10----10----10---- --9----9---9--- -8---8--- G-11---11----11----11-- x 10--10--10--10- x 9--9--9-- x D---------------------- --------------- --------- A-9-------------------- 8-------------8 7-------7 D---------------------- --------------- --------- ° ° ° ° ° °°°° ° ° ° ° °°°° E--7-----7-----7_9---9--10 --7-----7-----7_9- B--7-7----7---7-_8-8--8--- --7-7----7---7-_8- G--8--8-8--8-8--_9--9--9-- x --8--8-8--8-8--_9- D------9----9---_--------- ------9----9---_-- A---------------_7-------- ---------------_7- D--7-----7------_--------- ---7-----7------_-- - ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°° E-13-----13----14----13 11----11----12---11 9---9--10 B-12-12----12----12---- 10-10---10----10--- -8---8--- G-13---13----13----13-- x 11---11---11----11- x9--9--9-- x D---------------------- ------------------- --------- A-11-----------------11 9-----------------9 7-------7 D---------------------- ------------------- --------- ° ° ° ° E--7-----7-----7_ B--7-7----7---7-_ G--8--8-8--8-8--_ D------9----9---_ A---------------_ D--7-----7------_ 1st position and again ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°° E-13-----13----14----13 11----11----12---11 9---9--10 B-12-12----12----12---- 10-10---10----10--- -8---8--- G-13---13----13----13-- x 11---11---11----11- x9--9--9-- x D---------------------- ------------------- --------- A-11-----------------11 9-----------------9 7-------7 D---------------------- ------------------- --------- ° ° ° ° ° ° ° E--7-----7-----7_9---9--10--10~9--9 B--7-7----7---7-_8-8--8---8-----8-- G--8--8-8--8-8--_9--9--9---9-----9- x bis D------9----9---_------------------ A---------------_7----------------7 D--7-----7------_------------------ 1st position 2nd position ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°° E-13-----13----14----13 11----11----12---11 9---9--10 B-12-12----12----12---- 10-10---10----10--- -8---8--- G-13---13----13----13-- x 11---11---11----11- x9--9--9-- x D---------------------- ------------------- --------- A-11-----------------11 9-----------------9 7-------7 D---------------------- ------------------- --------- if you have any complaints, if you find any errors in this (and I hope you won't), contact me at eminemens