From Sun May 4 10:23:40 1997 I'm Tired of Your Stuff Hiatt / Overcoats 1975 1- You been slippin' .... 1- You been sayin' things ... 4- You been handin' me the ... 1- About the proper place .... #1j7 You been tellin' me a ... 5dom7 I bet you thot that I ...
1- Well, my eyes is wide open, ... 4- You been tryin' to ... #1 I'm gettin sick, ... 5 I'm tired of ... | v + v + v + v + | v + v + v + v + | 5---- r r 5 r r r 5 5 r r r r r I know you think that you're .... chorus Now I'm tryin' to get some sleep.... chorus Number System: Key Scale Notes (example in key of C) 1=C 2=D 3=E 4=F 5=G 6=A 7=B 9=D ETC. b2=Db #4=F# b7=Bb These hold true for BASS NOTES [ 2-/5 = D-/G ] and VOX NOTES in parans [ (1 3 5 6 2) = c e g a d vocal notes ] Duration Notation: | = bar line; within bar lines chords divide measure No bar line = chord gets entire measure's time / = play same as previous chord, beat or measure /^/ or /^ / = split the beat (ex.: /^G7) transcribed by OtMan (Otto Marten)