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Unsound by Headstones

Unsound bass tab by Headstones

Bass tabs

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This song rocks and I love when a great canadian band has an awesome

I don't play bass but I got my guitar teacher to show me the bassline
and the guitar comes right off that.

This is from memory (I don't have the CD with me)

Intro: (Bass)
 A    G     D    A

 A    G     D    A

* means a quick rest

If this seems too complicated, it really isn't.
It's made from these four chords:
A (5X76)
G (3X54)
D5 (X577)
A5 (X022)

The guitar part is simple.
All it is is the same four chords:
A (5776XX)
G (3554XX)
D5 (X577XX)
A5 (X022XX)

Send corrections to r_rhoads@hotmail.com
Transcribed By Denis Hammersteadt and Neil Fitzpatrick(well a little

Neil Fitzpatrick

If anyone knows Untitled by Collective Soul please mail me or at least
post it.

Unsound bass tab

Headstones bass tabs for Unsound Unsound by Headstones guitar playing instructions.

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