Song Hayden - Between Us to Hold This is a great song by a great man and it isn't too hard. Tuning-Standard Chords - C D Am G G/C[032033] B/G[020033] E-------0-0---------0-0-------0-0-------0-0--- B--------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------- D-5-5---------4-4--------2-2-------0-0-------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- And I Taught U To...
G/c B/g D [fill one] Guitar last night Repeats Chourse Am C G D And i held your arm as you hit the strings i Am C G D Am pushed your fingers back and started to sing D Am Sing.... ____Fill One____ Put your fingers into a D chord and play E-----2-------------- B------------------- G-0-2----------------- D------------------- A------------------- E-------------------