Hi, Here we go with yet another PJ Harvey song, figured out from the demo version. Now, not so live, from their first album: Oh My Lover by Polly Jane Hervey (as told by her faithful scribe, Sean) (All the following chords are open 'melodic' chords) Amin E G Amin Amin E G Amin (No chord) E Oh ..
G Amin Don't .. Amin E You .. G Amin You .. Amin E Much .. G Amin I .. Amin E Oh .. G Amin Don't .. Amin E G Amin Amin E G Amin Oh .. Oh .. Give.. I'll .. Take.. Take .. Oh .. Don't .. C It's .. Amin It's .. C There's .. E G So .. (Rep. verse chords 4x) What's .. Forming .. Oh .. Tell .. Just .. Before .. Oh .. Why .. And .. And .. It's .. There's .. Fin Tara, Sean