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Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan

Subterranean Homesick Blues chords by Bob Dylan

Guitar chords with lyrics

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Cut away the chaffe and this should fit one one page.

This is a fairly difficult song to get to sound right.
The chords are simple, though (blues progression in A).

I strum the chords, alternating the bass line throughout
(play A with an an A and E bass, D with a D and A bass,
E with an E and B bass)

Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan

 A              A
Johnny's in the basement mixin' up the ...
 D          D
Look out kid, theres ...
God knows when, but you're ...
You better duck down the alleyway..
The man in the 'coonskin cap ...
Wants 11 dollar bills, ...

Sacha Michel Mallais      sacha@global-village.net
  The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp.

Subterranean Homesick Blues chords

Bob Dylan chords for Subterranean homesick blues Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan guitar playing instructions.

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