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Whispers On The Wind by Dream Theater

Whispers On The Wind chords by Dream Theater

Guitar chords with lyrics

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A  Dm         A
If I still had something left
   Dm   C7   F
I'd surely use my gift
  C7         F
To give her one more breath
  C7       D
To see her smile again

  Cm       D
And yet my gift is gone
 Cm    F7    Bb
Along with all her dreams
  Asus4  D    Eb
It vanished with a scream
My fragile voice
   F     Bbm
Has all but disappeared

   Eb   Ab   Db
I've nothing left to give
  F#m         Db
The words I wished I'd said
   F#m   F7   Bbm
Just whispers on the wind
  E(b5)      Bbm
And now all hope is dead

Gb Bbm

Whispers On The Wind chords

Dream Theater chords for Whispers on the wind Whispers On The Wind by Dream Theater guitar playing instructions.

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