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New Wind by 7seconds

New Wind tab by 7seconds

Guitar tabs

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New Wind - 7SECONDS

Transcribed by Mitch Anstey (NSPUNK@aol.com)

This is a kickass song! I can't believe it isn't on

here already, but here it is. If you like 7SECONDS

then you have to be cool! Enjoy my punk friends!

Beginning:              Main Riff:

|-------------------11-11--12-12-12-12--7-7-7-7--(go back to--------|
|10-10-10-10-10-10--11-11--12-12-12-12--7-7-7-7---bouble bar;repeat)|



Ending: just add the beginning to the front of this.

At the end just listen to it to see what they're playin'.

Just remember;      ANARCHY
              / \
              /  \
             /    \
            /     \
            /      \
           /       \

New Wind tab

7seconds tabs for New wind New Wind by 7seconds guitar playing instructions.

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